"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you. When you understand why you dismiss all other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." -Stephen Henry Roberts

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

An Open Call for Books

I've recently been feeling very conflicted on an issue. I honestly don't know how to reconcile the fact that I consider many, if not all, of the Christians in my life to be intelligent people with the fact that they are almost all Young Earth Christians, which I have found to be a completely untenable position from an intellectually honest point-of-view. Granted, I was one myself growing up, but only because I had assumed that my parents and family, who had told me it was true, were in fact well-informed on the issue. Many of them are well versed in apologetics, and made very convincing arguments. Since learning the facts on the issue led me to stop believing, I'm struggling with how people I respect can cling to their beliefs.

The question of Creationism is particularly bothersome, since I've never heard any actual justification beyond "the Bible says so" for believing in it. Everything I was taught, and everything I've read on the subject subsequently focused on disproving evolution, leaving one to assume that if evolution isn't true, then Creationism is the obvious alternative (which is obviously not true, there were atheists before evolution was discovered). So I put a request on Facebook for a book on the subject, specifically Lee Strobel's The Case For a Creator if possible. I'm very happy to say that this request was granted and I am now in possession of the book.

I want to make clear that I am not reading it because I'm having doubts about my nonbelief and am searching for some sort of answers. I just want to try to better understand where Creationists, particularly YEC's, are coming from. I'm not saying it's impossible that I could be convinced that I'm wrong, but it's so improbable as to be virtually impossible.

I also want to avoid any accusations that I'm guilty now of the same thing I was as a Christian- only reading books that support what I already believe. For my own sake and to protect my reputation, I want to be certain I'm as well-informed as possible.

Towards that end, I'd like to make a proposition. I will promise to read any books on theology that are given to me. Please note, books that are essentially devotionals will not be read, simply because I'm not interested in reading about how great and loving God is when I don't believe he exists to begin with. (Also, you're probably wasting your time with books that focus on philosophy and abstract concepts, just because I'm such a concrete thinker that they make about as much sense to me as the Voynich Manuscript.) I would also prefer not to borrow them, because I write in nonfiction books to help me slow down and process the information.

I already own the following, or have them in my possession because I borrowed them-
The Case for a Creator- Lee Strobel
The Case for the Real Jesus- Lee Strobel
The Face That Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution- Hank Hanegraaff
The Numinous Universe- Daniel Liderbach
The Creator and the Cosmos- Hugh Ross
Darwin's Black Box- Michael Behe

If anyone would like to provide a book that specifically rebuts an atheist book that I find convincing, here's a list of the ones I have- (these are also ones I'd highly recommend to anyone looking for good atheistic books)
The God Delusion- Richard Dawkins
Godless- Dan Barker
Why I Became an Atheist- John W. Loftus
50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God- Guy P. Harrison
God: The Failed Hypothesis- Victor J. Stenger
Misquoting Jesus- Bart D. Ehrman
Why Darwin Matters- Michael Shermer
Why I Am Not a Christian- Bertrand Russell
The Bible Unearthed- Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman
Atheist Universe- David Mills
The Born Again Skeptic's Guide to the Bible- Ruth Hurmance Green
God is Not Great- Christopher Hitchens
Atheist Manifesto- Michael Onfray

I hope that no one thinks I'm out of line to be asking people to buy me books. I simply don't have the money, and would also like to have the ones that people find most convincing. I know there are a lot of people in my life who would rejoice to see me change my mind, so I'm offering them an opening to try to convince me. I honestly want to read them, so hopefully I'll be able to in the future.