"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you. When you understand why you dismiss all other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." -Stephen Henry Roberts

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just some clarification

"If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes." -Bertrand Russell (his cosmic teapot)

So I started this blog without any clear direction in mind. I just knew I wanted to write an atheist blog. But I'm feeling now that I probably ought to have some sort of plan in mind. If nothing else, if anyone's going to take the time to read this, I ought to let them know what they can expect to get from it. So here goes.

My main goal is to merely make people aware of the issues surrounding atheism versus belief. I am definitely not setting out to literally prove there is no god. Since most believers I know are more than happy to retreat to the "God did/said it and I believe it so there" response to any argument made by nonbelievers, it's ultimately not even possible to prove conclusively that there is no god. What I do intend to do is point out what seem to me to be the logical fallacies of the arguments in favor of god's existence, as well as making some arguments as to why his existence is extremely improbable. I will focus almost exclusively on the Christian God, since that's who I was raised to believe in and it's what I know best. Many arguments will apply to all religions. Since almost all religions are based on a belief in some form of deity, it's somewhat unnecessary to disprove each religion individually if you can first simply prove, at least beyond reasonable doubt, that no god exists anyway.

I will include other things occasionally, like the survey I posted about a few days ago. I also plan a post about why, as an atheist, I was incredibly offended by last week's episode of Glee. I don't want this to become an impersonal list of proofs.

I hope some honest debate can take place, as it already is to a degree. Flaming will not be tolerated. Right now anonymous comments are allowed, but if there's too much trouble with trolling that will have to change.

If you have any specific topics you'd like to see covered, please let me know. I have several in mind, but I'm always looking for more. I do plan, at some point, on going through some apologist books (particularly some of those by Lee Strobel) and discussing my views on what is said, so if you have any books in mind, let me know. Do keep in mind though, that there are some issues that I am just not equipped to deal with (such as the "offenses against an infinite god" idea raised in a comment a few days ago).

I think that's all, so thanks for reading, and enjoy! ^_^

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